Affluent Appointments
With Email 
$1091 $97
What You Get:
#1 “Appointments With Email” Video Training #1 ($497 Value)

The 3 critical reasons WHY you need to email

How to approach your email as a funnel

No one opening your emails anymore? Do this NOW

The 2 Main kinds of email sources for advisors

6 call to action types for your next warm email

The 2 most important metrics to ensure email success

The perfect 4 times to send email, and best 2 days to do it

Our insider tools to check domain health

The ideal 4 Step Radio Silent campaign for ‘ghosted leads’

#2 “4X Rapid Fire Affluent Appointments” Video Training  ($997 Value)
Each attendee paid $1000 to be in that elite group of advisors.
Covers the following frameworks and scripts:

1)"Podcasting Celebrity“
2)"Rocket Referral“
3)“Trojan Horse”
4)“Power Connector”
5)Just one of these formulas netted one advisor over $80M in AUM to build his practice. This is the ONLY time I taught all these concepts in front of an audience and in such a quick, rapid fire session you’ll want to pause and take tons of notes.
6)As a matter of fact, these strategies get outrageous reply ratios because they are so different from other techniques people haven’t heard of. If you want to achieve a sky-high show up ratio on all your sales presentations going forward, then you must adopt the principles that were used in this presentation.

BONUS #1 - Million Dollar Email Swipe File ($97 Value)

48 Pages of email swipes that have generated over $1,200,000 in commissions and fees

Advanced tricks, secrets and tactics

BONUS #2 - 15 min Business Breakthrough Strategy Session ($250 Value)

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One-time Offer Just $47

$80k Automated Webinar Campaign Formula (20:50 video)
Do you sell in person or online through a video? Then you may want to get the recording of a private in-person training I did in Las Vegas I did sharing our exact Automated Webinar Formula to get clients on demand. Each attendee paid $1000 to be in that elite group of advisors. This snippet from that mastermind is the same formula we use for a completely automated webinar that’s generated $83,750 in revenue in less than 30 days from completely cold traffic. As far as I’m aware, it’s one of the most successful and highest grossing webinars frameworks around... and just so you know, it is nothing like the typical webinar trainings you have attended in the past (and if you're wondering, no, it is not an imitation of Russell Brunson’s perfect webinar script). As a matter of fact, this framework is the entire end to end before, during and after sequences which get outrageous show up ratios. It was so bizarre that I was able to routinely achieve an average conversion rate of 30% on these webinars to cold traffic through Facebook Ads, which is insane! If you want to achieve a sky-high show up ratio on all your sales presentations going forward, then you must adopt the principles that were used in this presentation. The retail value of this recording is $197 but if you add it to your order now, I will let you have it for just $47. Which means, you can swipe the entire sales process from start to finish!

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  • Total payment
  • 1xAffluent Appointments With Email$97

All prices in USD